Schedule Concerns Taxation for Reward Share Actions Locations Online Websites Trom Computers Whatsapp Group Geography UK Trom Computers Uganda Namutumba Iganga Jinja FFECL Head Office Photos Mafubira Photos Kayunga Photos Butiki Photos Luwero Photos The Luwero story Photos Mjubende other pineapples avocado Concept Export of produce organic People Trom Computers CIC 001 - David Winter Risk Engineer 138 - Rosemary Rajwant Project Engineer 186 - Agnes Musubika Office Administrator 124 - Geoffrey Madunga IT Engineer 284 - Alice Nalumansi Risk Analyst 305 - Saul Magasi Receptionist xxx - Angela Babirye [role] 233 - Leah Wamaitha Vice Cheirperson 172 - Harriet Nakiyemba Trainer 173 - +256 776 410651 [role] need name need e-mail 174 - +256 772 610982 [role] need name need e-mail 031 - Jutta Velten Holistic Food Specialist 118 - Samuel Mukwaya Administrator 123 - Sam Mwonda [role] need e-mail 322 - Grzegorz Gastuszak Instrumentation Engineer Deliverables People List Doing this now! Will be ongoing throughout the project as the group grows to potentially thousands, but iine with donations. Time Chunks Reward mechanism for volunteer work on the project is actually a solution to 'wage slavery' and 'people trafficking'. The rich get richer as freedoms are eroded for the non-rich who become effectively economic 'slaves'. A widespread global problem ... slavery is not connected with race, it's to do with financial elites wanting total control Share Mechanism This is where we start receiving benefits from people and organisations who donate. Starts with David Winter. Small but consistent Demonstrates the mechanism to prospective other donors Builds with local multinational organisations. Builds with local other companies and high net worth individuals. how to's Events Regular Meetings Zoom - Sundays at 14:30 (UK), 16:30 (Uganda) [throughout 2023]